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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • After unproductive day of brainstorming, coworkers head to bar to excessively drink to bladderstorm.

  • An egg plant praises Humpty Dumpty during campaigning speech.
  • As Humpty Dumpty builds a wall with Legos, his parents worry it was a bad gift.
  • Mr. Potatohead wonders if getting cat who plays with and hides pieces was a good idea.
  • Cats need a timer to show how soon they'll start scratching you.
  • Frankenstein's monster asks Frankenstein to change his wife's mind whenever they argue.
  • A theme park closes because no one liked the grim reaper theme.
  • A shark paints a pretty girl on his friend's fin to lure swimmers.
  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for his father's day cartoon.
  • Dogs trying to destroy the vacuum bite the cord to see what happens.
  • The easter bunny gets dyer's block.

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