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A cat tells her frisky boyfriend that he needs to wear a flea collar for protection during sexual intercourse.
Two lice think Dennis Rodman's hair dye changes are the seasons
An indoor cat can look like an outdoor cat with stick-on fleas, ticks, and wounds.
Fleas go house hunting on a poodle.
Lice have to take a detour on a balding man's head.
Bedbugs drive to the warm side of the pillow when they go on vacation.
Natural wonders for sand fleas include a grand canyon made by a woman's buttocks.
A flea goes on vacation to a dog's tail and comes back dizzy.
Cootie, sitting on a bald man's head, radios to mission control, located on a full head of hair, about unhospitable environment, including a harsh glare.
Flea real estate agent tells flea couple woman's big head of hair is perfect place to start family because of space and privacy.