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You searched for: early man

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  • A caveman invention of the stone wheel as a floatation device fails because stone sinks.
  • An author signs his Origin of Species Evolution book before a line of species in descending evolution.
  • This caveman is a chiropractor for the dinosaurs.
  • A caveman claims a certain drum beat as his intellectual property.
  • Various people have bumper stickers with card suits spelling things like "I love my club" and "I love my heart."
  • Cartooning in its earliest forms includes Homer Erectus and Nancerthal.
  • A caveman thinks a meal tastes like the prehistoric ancestor of chicken
  • A caveman invents the wheel and, in the process, scares himself so much he poops.
  • A caveman tries to use reverse psychology, but a dinosaur eats him.
  • A caveman calls tech support because he can't figure out how to use his spear to defend himself from a sabretooth tiger.
  • An alien complains that when he was young, he had to abduct cavemen, whose brains were much smaller.
  • Cave men throw spears at a woolly mammoth, which makes him feel better.

You searched for: early man