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You searched for: confession

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cats at Thanksgiving might be thankful, but they won't admit it.
  • Person in giraffe's neck gives away that he's gone off vegetarian diet.
  • Dating M&M confesses that she used to have a peanut.
  • Contractor accidentally installs dance floor in kitchen.
  • Thief steals car decorated for just married couple and wonders how cop found him so quickly.
  • Hammerhead shark, despite shape of head, isn't handy around the house.
  • Bird admits doing an entire mating dance before realizing chirping was smoke detector.
  • Fish at bottom of sea admit that female fish above them is out of their league.
  • Easter bunny is wrongly accused of Humpty Dumpty's death after confessing to his color dyeing.
  • Hockey player talks to therapist in penalty box during his five minutes.
  • Therapist asks pillow to tell more about its cold side.
  • English majors on the jury interpret a double negative as a confession.

You searched for: confession