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You searched for: clubs

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A golf video game is very realistic.
  • Various people have bumper stickers with card suits spelling things like "I love my club" and "I love my heart."
  • A caveman drags a cavewoman by her very long hair.
  • A man is frustrated with his computer so he smashes it with a golf driver.
  • Mickey Mouse wears The Club on his ears to keep people from stealing them.
  • A female robot wishes they'd make more female robots so male robots would leave her alone.
  • Mrs. Potatohead strips by taking off her eyes and body parts.
  • Fuzzy Wuzzy is the Hair Club for Men's biggest success.
  • A lion shaves his mane to be a female impersonator.
  • Instead of Chippendale dancers, Chip and Dale the chipmunks dance.
  • A pair of spinning tops get kicked out of a topless night club.
  • A man wants to be popular in his community, so he patronizes local businesses.

You searched for: clubs