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You searched for: chocolates

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Trick or treater in smartphone costume asks woman if she wants her to have 5 bars.
  • Monkey poop Milky Way chocolate bar candy parody wrapper.
  • Skeleton teeth Heath Bar candy parody marketing failure.
  • Piñata doctor shows patient X-ray of full sized chocolate bar blockage inside belly.
  • Pinata ultrasound technician shows pregnant pinata mother Baby Ruth candy bar sonogram.
  • One Zilla monster asks another eating a chocolate factory if it broke it’s New Year’s Resolution already.
  • Boy uses Roomba to vacuum up chocolate coins from kids playing dreidel on Hanukkah.
  • Injured Butterfinger candies factory employees accidentally spill, trip and drop tools, coffee and boxes.
  • Praying Mantis attempts to attract a mate with a fake chocolate head.
  • Hershey kiss has tongue
  • Party comes to a halt when the Godiva chocolate enters nude.
  • Superman uses his x-ray vision to pick all the caramels out of the candy box.

You searched for: chocolates