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You searched for: cans

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man does armpit farts at the god of thunder tryouts.
  • A dudebug keeps beer cans in his spots.
  • A bat tells another bat that he'll open a can of whoop-head on him.
  • Might Be Dog Food brand dog food parodies Mighty Dog Food.
  • Mr. Pepper had his medical license revoked for recommending sugary drinks.
  • Moonkist soda parodies Sunkist soda.
  • Nut mixer is a ripoff since the clientele is made up mostly of peanuts.
  • Kringle Energy Drink gives you energy to do all your work in one night like Santa.
  • Peepsi covert cola parodies Pepsi cola.
  • Bumble Beep canned roadrunner parodies Bumble Bee tuna.
  • Thief steals car decorated for just married couple and wonders how cop found him so quickly.

You searched for: cans