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You searched for: beauty

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Edward Scissorhands, Wolverine, and Freddy Kruger all show up for manicures.
  • Dick Tracy watches as his new nemesis, Plum-Face, is born due to falling to a vat of anti aging Retin-A.
  • Ghosts use irons as an anti-aging product.
  • Debate about the introduction of MTV.
  • The candle from Beauty and the Beast burns the clock's butt.
  • A girl is putting make-up on a globe in cosmology class.
  • A turkey gets collagen injections.
  • Botox is introduced for soda cans.
  • The Scarecrow uses Rograin on his head to re-grow some straw.
  • Godzilla sees a girl Godzilla and wonders if hers is the face that lunched a thousand ships.
  • The Jolly Green Giant plucks his nose hairs, which are vines.
  • Face Cream by Moe applies itself to your face with a pie.

You searched for: beauty