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You searched for: bbq

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Angel tells another angel his recipe for barbecued wings.
  • Beach party looks exciting as people dance on hot coals.
  • Egg family switches to green energy to cook their ham.
  • Guest tries using spatula to flip burgers, and is shocked to prevent guests from messing with food.
  • Grilling fresh spawning salmon becomes tricky as salmon jumps to the top rack of the grill.
  • The only X-ray apron available at the dentist says "Kiss the Patient."
  • A man grills while driving.
  • A man runs a complicated grilling simulation on his computer.
  • Man barbecue grills shark steaks that are obviously fresh since he has a shark bite on his butt.
  • Barbecue cook is served Cease and Desist order by air traffic control because of smoke.
  • Man wearing "Kiss the Cook" apron gets cease and desist order from Center for Infectious Diseases.
  • A man wearing a "Master Chef"' apron is given a false advertising lawsuit by a lawyer.

You searched for: bbq