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You searched for: attention

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • hairless cat, legless lizard, flightless bird, and mindless doofus all go without something.
  • Just like housecats, lions get bored eating same prey day after day.
  • Cat radios back to mission control that due to love and attention they are staying.

  • For an extra fee, you can rewind a movie with a remote in the theater.
  • Everyone is too busy watching fireworks on devices that they miss fireworks right in front of them.
  • Kids text at the Thanksgiving table, so their dad says he'll text Grace.
  • A man thinks everyone is admiring his body at the beach, but he actuallyhas a horrible sunburn.
  • The grim reaper nearly kills the wrong person because he's distracted by his phone.
  • Candy hearts for cats say things like "You're Tolerable."
  • A dog resolves to be less easily distracted, but he doesn't finish the note because he gets distracted by a squirrel.
  • Cats do good work in school by ignoring the teacher.
  • A man reads grilling tips and doesn't listen to the one that says to pay attention.

You searched for: attention