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You searched for: weight loss

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A cat lounging atop a computer worries he may need to diet when he see the new flat screen model.
  • Bug magazines are covered with pictures of walking sticks.
  • Crabs change the lettering on the 'no-carb meal' sign.
  • A woman has a spam filter that works on her family.
  • A weight loss boot camp with severe consequences for leaving.
  • Godzilla avoids buildings with carbs on the atkins diet.
  • Two sharks are on the Atkins diet.
  • A car gets a new set of tires, but in the wrong size.
  • Stomach paper clipping is less invasive then stomach stapling.
  • A hermit crab has a lot of old shells in her closet.
  • Miss Muffet goes in for liposuction.
  • A paint can sees a psychiatrist because it wants to be thinner.

You searched for: weight loss