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You searched for: skinny

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cake goes straight to woman's arm instead of to her hips.
  • Convertible car owner chooses dog for aerodynamic shape.
  • The cat lost three pounds while the owner gained that same amount in cat hair.
  • Man's diet fails as he eats foods that sound thin but aren't.
  • Turkey fortune teller sees woman ordering thinly sliced turkey from butcher.
  • Rain, rain, go away, ring around the rosy, and pat-a-cake updated.
  • Doctor gets a phone call in the middle of a surgery, saying that the rights to that stomach stapling are copyrighed.
  • A cat lounging atop a computer worries he may need to diet when he see the new flat screen model.
  • Trees hold their breath and look small so they don't get cut down.
  • Bug magazines are covered with pictures of walking sticks.
  • Cupid sees a psychiatrist because he keeps missing his targets, supermodels.
  • A paint can sees a psychiatrist because it wants to be thinner.

You searched for: skinny