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You searched for: mating

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  • Praying mantis couple go to movies, male doesn't want to see "Eat His Brain"' chick flick.
  • Blowfish face challenges in relationship because their spines prevent them from getting close.
  • Salmon fish saying, whatever spawning happens upstream, stays upstream.
  • Princesses buy bags of frogs to kiss.
  • A whale pops its barnacles before a date.
  • Praying mantises give new mantis brides bottles of ketchup.
  • Salmon have cybersex.
  • Slacker salmon go to spawn at a bar called The Downstreamer.
  • A cat tells her frisky boyfriend that he needs to wear a flea collar for protection during sexual intercourse.
  • Dodos go extinct on Noah's Arc because one of them believes in zero population growth.
  • A girl can't see her boyfriend any more because he lives underneath the train tracks.
  • A fork hits on a spoon.

You searched for: mating