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You searched for: home improvement

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dirty gutters house birds and are declared protected wetlands.
  • Cat offers curtain protection plan to protect curtains from cat claw damage.
  • Man cave gets replaced by a more feminine d'cor when man caves.
  • Instead of granite, hell has countertops of brimstone.
  • Contractor accidentally installs dance floor in kitchen.
  • Hammerhead shark, despite shape of head, isn't handy around the house.
  • Turtle pokes head through skylight at the top of his shell, making others envious.
  • Snowman wife puts husband's head in roof hole after his promises to fix it go unfilled.
  • Realtor tries to sell run down gingerbread house ito bake-it-yourselfer.
  • Old Macdonald soundproofs his farm house to drown out animal noises.
  • Ghost compliments the disrepair of friend's home.
  • Husbands adds third floor to house when wife only wanted a new tile floor.

You searched for: home improvement