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You searched for: family

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  • Fishtank castle fish on laptop Ancestry website shocked by royal family tree disappointment.
  • Infant’s dad wishes babies came with instructions & doctor gives him love & accept your child note.
  • Dad tells undressed son hanging clothing Christmas stockings by fire it’s not how holiday presents work.
  • Potato head mom tells son building snowman with bare face sibling’s pieces not what she meant when said include brother.
  • Russian nesting dolls mom hangs children’s’ Christmas stocking inside layers by fireplace.
  • Russian nesting doll mother tells yelling kid to use inside inside inside voice.
  • Kid always asks Dad to carry stuff but refuses to let him hold candy trick-or-treating on Halloween.
  • Underwater creature from the Black Lagoon dad asks wife water broke but she has no Idea.
  • Mother mishears son’s friend has 2 mommies but they’re really mummy monsters.
  • Egyptian mummies parent thinks changing kid’s dirty diaper will take all afternoon.
  • Russian nesting doll mother with air conditioner behind says she installed it for her children inside.

You searched for: family