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You searched for: email

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Mom taking smartphone baby photo is distracted by texts and social media until son grows up into bearded man.
  • Cat on laptop learns to drive pet owners insane on cat advice website by ignoring treats dropped by foot.
  • Woman reads sleeping on stomach is unhealthy on medical website while turtle on laptop reads sleeping on back is unhealthier.
  • Peacock thinks peacock on smartphone with emojis feathers spends too much time on internet.
  • Planet Earth with tablet computer receives many Facebook friend requests online on Earth Day.
  • Depressed cat feels like it’s missing out compared to cellphone’s social media status updates of cats napping.
  • Woman accidentally sends nasty response email to boss instead of deleting it.
  • Witch accidentally hits reply all while casting a spell in a duel and turns all of the other witches into frogs.
  • Child in talent show will hack her teacher’s email account before she can tackle her.
  • Man wants to email his doctor a scan of his butt to ask his opinion on a problem.
  • Shark got the fish attachments attached to him.
  • Cats exhibit tech behaviors of push notifications, inbox, outbox, and groupon.

You searched for: email