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You searched for: customer

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  • Kangaroo drink vendor hops shaking pouches fizzy soda cans spraying in koala faces.
  • Man & cat shopping at tech store tell salesperson they want a powerful & comfortable laptop.
  • Man at coffee shop complains sugary whipped cream ice coffee drink tastes like coffee.
  • Customer’s gross farts wind blows up inflatable waving balloon upright at car dealership.
  • Frustrated Humpty Dumpty on cellphone customer review website rates All the King’s Horses & Men bad eggshell repair service.
  • Bored dog on smartphone orders new ball when owner throws toy playing fetch.
  • Hand baskets store cashier says Satan demon buying hand-basket is best customer.
  • Grocery store witch shops for eyes of newts egg carton potion ingredients.
  • Music shop repairs broken instrument strings for pirate with hook hand fingers again.
  • Dog owner calls Chewy pet supplies about Chewie wookiee body box delivery mixup.
  • Underwater sharks restaurant diner selects person swimming above as dinner order from shark waiter.
  • Man at walk traffic signal advertising shoe brand Ace Footwear asks when excessive consumer marketing everywhere happened.

You searched for: customer