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You searched for: bird

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  • Kind chickens support depressed farmer in barn with reassuring encouragement.
  • Penguin swimming in icy sea water tells hesitant bird on melting iceberg the water is still cold.
  • Ninja Sloth suddenly ate entire Thanksgiving turkey but kid eating drumstick blamed missing meat.
  • Flightless bird turkey army flies airplanes chasing terrified farmers in Thanksgiving payback.
  • Insulted man on laptop sees selfie in website turkey photos selection captcha.
  • Guy at beach eating burger surrounded by seagulls tells wife he is approachable.
  • Female peahen waits on bed for male peacock mate but his tail is too wide to fit through door.
  • Dog sees bird steal man’s pizza slice and is inspired to sew wings to fly.
  • Duck mom says attention seeking center duckling swimming upside down is a middle child.
  • Father bird with mallet waiting for egg to hatch asks mom if it’s time to induce baby chick’s birth.
  • Unsure hummingbird on laptop debates Google searching hummed songs’ lyrics.
  • Bird says pooping on toupees inventor sculpture’s bald head is artist bird’s best work.

You searched for: bird