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You searched for: fish

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  • A tuna melt's after hearing some sweet talking.
  • A shark gets depressed when watching Survivor.
  • A shark sculpts a statue without arms and titles it "Leftovers."
  • A woman who owns too many cats has to make her tuna sandwiches in an isolation chamber.
  • A fish is found guilty at a trial, but the judge sets him free.
  • The three bears from Goldilox eat bagels and lox.
  • Fish bomb technicians try to cut a fish free.
  • A woman thinks her household needs a more natural, organic diet, but her cat has already eaten her fish.
  • People race into the water at the beach, but the sharks are planning on eating the first one who gets in the water.
  • A fish goes to the doctor for fertility drugs because he has a craving for caviar.
  • A fish dies on the shore and his friends say it serves him right.
  • A squid struggles to escape a shark because it needs to change its ink cartridge.

You searched for: fish