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You searched for: cars

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Praying mantis bumper stickers have jokes about eating other mantises.
  • A street near Las Vegas has a sign for crossing Elvis Impersonators.
  • A caveman dad invents the wheel to soothe his cranky baby.
  • A man sets up an overpriced tire store near a porcupine crossing.
  • A lawyer claims god is partially responsible for a woman's car crash because she had a God is My Co-Pilot bumper sticker.

  • A caveman getting hit by giant bugs invents the windshield.
  • A dog goes on a patch so he'll stop being addicted to chasing cars.
  • A dog wears a virtual reality visor to play games like "Chewing Shoes."
  • An auto repair man gets into a car crash to recommend his own repair service.
  • Cats go to a fairground where the Ride of Horror is a circle of cars.
  • A man whose body is shaped like the handicap parking symbol gets a ticket because he doesn't have a handicap placard.
  • A car accident slows traffic because too many curious cats are rubbernecking.

You searched for: cars