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You searched for: autos

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man thinks he survived a pothole, but it tore off half his car.
  • A turtle with three heads uses a carpool line.
  • Cans being recycled wonder what they'll be next.
  • Lions see a car with two people in it as half full.
  • A mechanic's toddler daughter asks to make an appointment because she's about to have an accident.
  • Fashions to attract men include bikinis, football costumes, and pizza costumes.
  • Godzilla eats a rocky road on an ice cream cone.
  • A tire store sells blown out tires.
  • People crash testing a car have a crash test bug fly into the windshield.

  • Godzilla eats a car with double airbags.
  • Aliens learn what traffic signal lights mean on Earth - green for proceed and red for stop and put your finger in your nose.

  • Angry driver demands police officer who is giving a traffic violation ticket tell him where the stop sign is that he ran, failing to notice it stuck to his car.

You searched for: autos