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You searched for: baby

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  • The three wise men bring incense to cover up the smell of baby Jesus' diapers.
  • Mr. Bubble's doctor can't tell if his wife is giving birth or if she just needs Pepto Bismol.
  • Marcel Marcea mimes being trapped in an invisible uterus as a baby.
  • A fish goes to the doctor for fertility drugs because he has a craving for caviar.
  • Stork complains to chiropractor of back pain from delivering mulitple babies due to fertility drugs.
  • A kid's baby picture looks like he's on a bearskin rug, but actually he's on his dad's hairy leg.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • Tiger Woods asks his dad to stay quiet while he uses the potty so he doesn't miss.
  • A dad can't remember his daughter's favorite teletubby, so he buys a swiss army teletubby.
  • Clowns give birth to dozens of children at once.
  • A man whose wife just had twins has an IV of coffee to stay awake.
  • The anatomy of the brain of a new parent.

You searched for: baby