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You searched for: halloween

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  • A ghost acts as a bed sheet when surprised.
  • A bat improves his ear-wing coordination by playing video games.
  • Turkeys tell a story of a ghost turkey that looks for his head.
  • Cats traded shredded hair and dress as each other for Halloween.
  • A witch uses her 'I'm melting' routine on salesmen.
  • A vampire sees his virtual reflection in a computer.
  • Pumpkins watch a horror movie about Peter Pumpkin Eater.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger always has to say 'I'll be back' at Halloween.
  • A werewolf notices how bad he does brushing during a full moon.
  • A vampire chews on a pencil-neck because he's nervous.
  • Frankenstein doesn't understand the current fashion to have bolts all over your head.
  • Zombie's have a ceremony when they break out of the ground.

You searched for: halloween