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You searched for: sex

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A test tube invites another test tube to come see his etchings.
  • A woman hides the Keebler Elves she was cheating on her husband with under the bed.
  • Adam gives Eve a gift of a tiny leaf.
  • A woman says she doesn't want a one-night stand, so a man thinks they'll have a two-night stand.
  • The son frankfurter asks the father hotdog where he comes from, to which the father tells him he doesn't want to know.
  • A man and woman walk alone, holding hands, and the woman believes the man is thinking about romance when he's actually thinking about The Simpsons.
  • Two male bars of soap jeer at female soap, one asking if she wants to talk clean, one saying she can lather him up anytime.
  • Spider tells psychiatrist how female spider lit a cigarette, looked him in the eye, and said they didn't call him "itsy bitsy spider" for nothing.
  • One clock tells another he's going to ask out Clara in accounting because he's heard she's pretty fast.
  • Captain Kirk has retired, answers door to see alien woman and alien child, thinks to himself, "Oh, God, not another paternity suit."
  • Derek's plan to woo his date is ruined when he runs over her dog.

You searched for: sex