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You searched for: scare

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  • Beanie Babies go to a horror movie about a beanbag chair.
  • Luke Skywalker accidentally stabs his face with his light saber while trying to put a flashlight under his face to look scary.
  • Two giraffes think they sense low-lying predators, but the third giraffe sensed a low-lying branch by running into it.
  • Mobsters threaten the Pillsbury Dough Boy with the Play Doh Fun Factory.
  • A cat reads a horror story called "For Whom the Can Opener Tolls" to his kids.
  • In the scarier version of Star Wars, Darth Vader reveals that he's actually Luke Skywalker's mom.
  • A cat tells a horror story about a land where no one is allowed to sleep more than 20 hours a day.
  • A carrot in a horror movie goes into a room with a peeler in it.
  • A spider and a woman in the shower each think the other is the ugliest thing ever.
  • The insects a fly and a butterfly don't like the World Wide Web or the 'Net.
  • A kitten goes trick or treating dressed as a vacuum.
  • A zoo receives a computer monitor, while a computer store gets shipped a monitor lizard.

You searched for: scare