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You searched for: cars

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The Klingons attack an Enterprise rental car.
  • A car's wife complains that his emissions are so stinky he should see a mechanic.
  • The cartoon lists car features that would be really helpful.
  • A robber has an agent with him to discuss who will play him in the TV reenactment.
  • A woman with a God is My Co-Pilot sticker has god in her passenger seat.
  • Police pull the Tin Man over for speeding and he says he has a lead foot.
  • Birds wait by a car wash to poop on cars because they like a clean slate.
  • Every 10,000 miles, Fred Flintstone gets his feet rotated.
  • The Tin Man chases the Scarecrow with his axe.
  • A man's radar detector goes haywire because a giant bat is about to attack him.
  • Godzilla stops his friend from eating a salt truck because he appreciates salted roads.
  • The cartoon presents the newest ways to waste time.

You searched for: cars