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You searched for: alcohol

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The mind is the first body part to leave the party.
  • Two cars have a relationship with a lot of starting and stopping.
  • Two women at a bar reject pick-up lines and keep score like golf.
  • Frankenstein gets a lot of attention because he has cool body art.
  • A dog has to adjust to toilet locks with a new baby in the house.
  • A vampire likes a woman, but she takes a blood thinner.
  • A dog's growling stomach causes some misunderstanding in a dog bar.
  • 24 blackbirds get baked in a pie and end their career.
  • Pinocchio meets a woman at a party that has her clothes painted on too.
  • A man celebrates finishing the last of the spam on New Years Day.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • The Planter Peanut man and his wife invite beer nuts to their house, but the nuts trash their house.

You searched for: alcohol