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You searched for: parent

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A snake's Christmas list would cost an arm and a leg.
  • Kids are surprised to find out you can play dreidel in real life as well as on your phone.
  • An anteater makes Thanksgiving stuffing out of ants.
  • Parents come to parents' night at a school and a monster looks at his kid's webbed hand turkey.
  • A kangaroo asks his mom if he can go in a bouncy walk house.
  • Stick people have a bumper sticker of normal people on their car.
  • A gardener gets in trouble because he thought a weed whacker would only work on weeds.
  • A baby gets party training instead of potty training.
  • A mother bird uses Hamburger Helper for birds.
  • Hannibal Lecter enjoys his breakfast too much as a child.
  • A woman is proud of her daughter's art, but the principal is mad because she drew all over his portrait.
  • A cicada's parents ground her until she's 17.

You searched for: parent