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You searched for: work

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A cat gets lazy, and doesn't completely cover its owner in fur.
  • Flight attendants scrap elbows and knees off the beverage cart.
  • All of the cars fit together in the shopping cart factory's parking lot.
  • Mark takes the day off and his family comes up with the ideas for the cartoon.
  • An executioner who can't concentrate invents rhinoplasty.
  • Bathroom tiles have people's faces on them, giving a personal touch
  • Mr. Sorrentino couldn't think outside the box, cause he never took his light bulb out of it.
  • A paper cut a girl in this 'Take your Child to Work Day' cartoon.
  • The Earth takes off Earth Day, leaving everything floating in space.
  • Donald Trump sells a system which others can use to fire people.
  • A rock believes that earnings are down before one of them is skimming.
  • Two workers have a fight using breast implants.

You searched for: work