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You searched for: trick or treat

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Godzilla returns his ice cream cone because he ordered a person with a double chin.
  • A kid restuffs his empty Halloween candy wrappers with japapenos so his dad won't steal his candy.
  • Alice throws the looking glass so she can eat things that make her larger without feeling bad.
  • A woman talks a man into eating a Lifesaver with lint on it by telling him it's a realistically peach-flavored one.
  • A cat makes a grill that looks like a bird bath.
  • A snake gets a tattoo to show his girlfriend how much he loves her, but he's shed the skin with tattoos of previous girlfriends.
  • A slice of a woman's never-fail fudge gets a F in school.
  • A Pez dispenser asks his waiter to shove his meal down his neck.
  • It's hard to get cherries on the conveyor belt at the cordial factory because they're too polite.
  • Cracker Jack's surgeon finds a surprise inside him.
  • Tuna fish wear dolphin costumes to avoid getting fished.
  • Lazy twins dress as each other on Halloween.

You searched for: trick or treat