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Pet owner sees wet footprints evidence path from empty fish bowl to guilty cat pretending to sleep.
Anteater kids order ant farm ants sprinkles ice cream cone topping at anteater scoop shop window.
Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.
Scavenger crow asks other bird if it wants curbside pick-up by flattened animal hit by car.
Snake eating egg at table tells other snake it was supposed to unhinge it’s jaw, not front door off hinges.
Dog in virtual reality headset eats toxic chocolate virtually in computer video game.
Cats commit crimes vandalizing torn curtains, dangerous speeding downstairs, breaking and entering treats, and shedding fur napping in laundry basket.
Indoor cat by mouse hole tells cat going out to hunt for food it will wait for delivery.
Criminal cat robber steals bread, hit and run breaks flowerpot, stalking attacks feet and wakes owner resisting a rest.
HayDay PayDay candy package spoof with cow and horse fighting is for horses but better for cows.
Woman on laptop uses opening can and shaking treats noise cat finding program to call missing pet.
Customers are arrested for crimes breaking food usage rules in Consumer Reports parody.