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Boss cat upset with employee cat, Crowley, for taking another three catnip lunch, demands key to executive litterbox.
Santa is upset because it is Christmas Eve, and he has a flat, the flat is a deflated reindeer.
Cat dining in restaurant orders Christmas special, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge, but hold the pear tree.
Man tells wife, Emma, they are returning the Alpo aftershave because dog has him in his mouth.
Kids and cat play Mousetrap game, cat begs for one more game because he just got lucky winning, says they will play for less money.
Mouse playing joke on another mouse, shows him cheesecake that's a short jump away, mouse doesn't know he tied his tail to the window shade.
Cat shopping for cake mix can't make up his mind which flavor, includes goldfish, mouse, tune, sparrow, canary, pigeon, rodent, and more.
Two rabbits stand outside home, which is busting at seams with baby rabbits, wife asks husband if he thinks it's time for a bigger place.
Fortune Teller sees cat fur on client and impresses client.
Dogs ask home owner where they are moving with their trash cans.
Woman with many cats warns man she is about to use the can opener.
Boy's marine biology homework eats his dog.