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Cat watches TV commercial saying 9 out of 10 cats prefer Ace Kitty Litter to using neighbor's yard, cat wonders about truth-in-advertising.
Man asks giraffe with severely crooked neck if he can go in first to visit the chiropractor.
Two felines dining out in restaurant, one cat is embarrassed because he laughed and food came out his nose, mouse is hanging out of nose.
Mom can tell Spike the dog isn't happy with Bobby's new Mr. Potatohead because he has hat, eyes, mouth, and hands stuck to his backside.
Woman tells friend she goes into isolation chamber in her home when she wants to make tuna sandwich because she has house full of cats.
If people looked like breath smelled, first boss is dog, subway man is onion, some people are cigarettes, 8th grade teacher is pile of poop.
Cat feels like his birthday is uneventful, not knowing that right around the corner, a box of 50 pounds of catnip fell out of truck.
Hockey referee tells announcer the penalty is on number 8, it's 2 minutes for ruffing, and number 8 is a dog.
Two cats on date, one cat thinks the other is embarrassing because he ordered white wine with gerbils.
Man gives presentation about changing next year's cat calendar to reflect real life, such as January: Spunky coughs up furball, March: Clyde misses litterbox.
Woman admires cat using the scratching post, but cat is thinking he has to sharpen his claws for the new drapes.
Woman at dinner table tells guest not to mind Rufus the dog, he's being possessive because man is eating from bowl Rufus usually eats from.