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You searched for: couple

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  • Tourist map in Red Light District directs tourist to tell wife of alternate location if she calls.
  • Tension builds in car between couple over CDs because she's playing sirens and car horns.
  • Wife of Rice Krispies' Snap confesses to more than one reason the kids call Snap's brother "Pop."
  • Sealing wedding invitations, fiancee says a February 29th wedding would mean leap year anniversaries.
  • Cat couple on the couch feels manipulated by cat TV shows with purr track.
  • The Whatever, She's Just Going To Return It Store for men shopping for gifts women will return.
  • One of the downsides of having a dreamcatcher is the wife finding the floozy from your dreams.
  • Hypnotist cures husband from talking in sleep, but wife wants hypnotist to cure husband of talking while awake.
  • Ghost wife complains to therapist about ghost husband's haunted happenings at marriage counseling.
  • A wife eyes the gift shop in divorce court while the husband hears the divorce court's decision.
  • Pets hug in fear of fireworks but couples find it romantic.
  • A black cat and a chicken will take separate vacations so one can cross roads and the other paths.

You searched for: couple