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You searched for: sex

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The doughboy downloads pictures of cheesecake.
  • Gilligan's Island was the original Temptation Island.
  • Superman uses his X-Ray vision to look into the sorority house across the street.
  • Pinocchio meets a woman at a party that has her clothes painted on too.
  • Rudolph's red nose makes Cupid think he's in the red light district.
  • A dog takes Wagra to get his tail moving.
  • A job interviewer brings in a dominatrix to see how a man deals with authority.
  • A cat can't have fun at work because all the bird and bee sites are blocked.
  • A pair of cards go to couples counseling because the king had other queens in his clothes.
  • Fred catches Wilma cheating on him with Gazoo.
  • Dogs get creepy phone calls that are just heavy purring.
  • A man buys a headache detector to see if his wife is lying about wanting to have sex.

You searched for: sex