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You searched for: schools

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  • Letter E teacher tells letter E parents that child is quiet and uninvolved, needs career as silent letter, parents think Hope and Love, child thinks Trouble.
  • Student tells class the fact that she didn't finish her report on "Rationalizing Your Way Out of Responsibilities" shows how good it was coming out.
  • One chicken tells another that his fried chicken leg is an old high school injury in Home Economics class.
  • Student realizes she doesn't have her homework, but her dad's policital campaign speech, while Dad gives speech talking about liking Mommy and being pretty in dresses.
  • Three snowmen in house, dad, mom, and child, are happy when the radio announces that schools are closed due to hazardous weather conditions.
  • If people looked like breath smelled, first boss is dog, subway man is onion, some people are cigarettes, 8th grade teacher is pile of poop.
  • Boy's marine biology homework eats his dog.

  • A student in a philosophy class accidentally brings Play-Dough instead of Plato.

You searched for: schools