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You searched for: scare

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  • Zombies like episode of Star Trek where characters have big juicy brains.
  • Dumb skeletons can't remember if they are supposed to scare children or not.
  • Man has winter flashback and mistakes dandelion seeds for snowflakes.
  • Small dog downloads large dog barks to scare away a thief breaking in.
  • Woman not worried about man werewolf because she is turning into her mother.
  • Fourth of July fireworks trigger Wile E. Coyote's memories of dynamite explosions.
  • Woman wants dog to stay so that spider on retractable leash doesn't come near her.
  • Lawyer brings in surprise witness who sneaks up behind judge with an airhorn.
  • Man has prank pulled on him as he enters heaven when angel wears devil mask.
  • Nurses scare patients with chainsaws to check their active blood pressure rates.
  • Nurse shows patient the easy way and the hard way to have blood drawn.
  • A large scary cat decal keeps birds from crashing into sliding glass doors and scares guests.

You searched for: scare