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You searched for: cell phone

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman's polite response to a rude text depends on which finger she uses.
  • A robot calls his mom and she hangs up on him because she doesn't want robocalls.
  • A cat kills mice in a video game, ignoring the real mice that are all around the house.
  • A dog tells his owner that he's starting to feel like his second-best friend.
  • Mr. Potatohead can't hear his cell phone because he left his ear at home.
  • Santa's ringtone is You Can't Always Get What You Want.
  • Santa downloads a red nose app, putting Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer out of a job.
  • An iPhone sprays detangler on its earbuds.
  • Kids are surprised to find out you can play dreidel in real life as well as on your phone.
  • A turkey makes duck lips in a selfie.
  • A turkey takes a selfie before being killed for Thanksgiving.
  • A phone accessory that would be helpful would be little thumbs.

You searched for: cell phone