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Man wonders if there is any hope since he met another girl who won't give him time of day, girl's wearing several clocks and watches.
Man thinks about date, he complimented service, asked for another date, showed her food on his dental floss, wonders why she got sick and left.
Dorothy tells Dereck they haven't been dating, she's been researching a scientific study on undesirable men, she's done now, another researcher will follow up sometime.
Man asks Wilamina to come with him, he'll give her anything her heart desires, Wilamina's heart is excited and picturing itself in a new car.
Husband tells wife about "undo" feature on computer, wishes life had same feature for if something gets broken, cheat on wife, say something stupid.
Woman is now able to focus anger on boyfriend instead of self and feels relief.
Cupid accidentally grabs his archery bag instead of the magic love arrows.
Derek's plan to woo his date is ruined when he runs over her dog.