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You searched for: technology

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Birdwatcher on smartphone bird translator app reads target approaching as singing birds prepare to poop.
  • Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.

  • Woman on computer screen tells man on Zoom meeting she loves his run down shack background but it’s his messy room.
  • Dog in virtual reality headset eats toxic chocolate virtually in computer video game.
  • Honeybee on computer Zoom video talks to bees in hexagon shaped webcam screens.
  • Dogs on computer run zoomies around yards together on Zoom video conference.
  • Excited bed frame and mattress on computer discovers it is a twin on genealogy website.
  • Firework with smartphone weather app sees sudden 1200 degree heat rise Fourth of July hourly temperature forecast.
  • Appalled frankfurter on laptop is upset by long list of gross hot dog ingredient match results.
  • Woman on laptop uses opening can and shaking treats noise cat finding program to call missing pet.
  • Telecommuting worker in online meeting shoves cluttered mess away from computer webcam.
  • Homeschool student can’t do remote learning with playful cats and dog class clowns’ distractions.

You searched for: technology