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You searched for: summer

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman lies outside to get a tan, but her painters drop paint on her instead.
  • An egg does a cannonball into a pool, facilitating the invention of egg drop soup.
  • People race into the water at the beach, but the sharks are planning on eating the first one who gets in the water.
  • Kids bury their dad's face at the beach.
  • A devil in Hell has trouble getting his grill to light.
  • Donald Trump kicked over sandcastles to build his own as a kid.
  • A tired flower regrets marrying a morning glory.
  • Flowers paint a rock to look like the grass around it so they can avoid the mower.
  • Bugs watch moths fly into a bug light.
  • A bee decides a man isn't worth dying over, so he head-butts his eye instead.
  • A dog exercises to become buff.
  • A prison shows previews of its summer releases.

You searched for: summer