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You searched for: scare

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A kid gives the monster under his bed a smartphone so he will be safe.
  • Pandora works in a cubicle of demons.
  • The groundhog is scared of his shadow because it makes him look fat.
  • The shark from Jaws used to be in small independent films.
  • A woman reads The Giving Tree to her son and has nightmares about him harvesting her organs.
  • A turkey's Axe body spray repels other turkeys because of its name.
  • Big pigs tell wolf he's got the wrong pigs.
  • Fish slows down relationship by giving boyfriend hot wasabi to eat.
  • Angry road comes searching for chicken who regrets crossing him.
  • Naked man stung by jellyfish on nude beach has worse day than clothed man stung.
  • Wolverine's job as a puppeteer was short-lived because his hand blades cut through the puppet.
  • Elves rip off calendar days so Santa wakes up thinking he missed Christmas.

You searched for: scare