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You searched for: purchase

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A shoe house gets privacy living on a cul-de-sock.
  • A snake is shopping for a conservative dress for his wife.
  • The lates Pokemon cards are Buksuker, Tiktawfteacha, and Spinawfz.
  • A man falls in front of Hip Chex in the cereal aisle.
  • A bee watches a commercial for the Jabmaster 2000.
  • Godzilla jewelry is made of small women named Ruby, Amber, and Pearl.
  • A man tries to write a giant check to pay for his groceries.
  • Snoopy buys ground chuck with a pattern like Charlie Brown's sweater.
  • Dogs visit the canine self-help section.
  • A woman customizes her checks with pictures of her ex-husband's face when he found out how much money he had to give her in the divorce.
  • A man buys forget-me-completelys instead of forget-me-nots.
  • Cats borrow books from a self-help section in a library.

You searched for: purchase