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You searched for: police

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  • Angry driver demands police officer who is giving a traffic violation ticket tell him where the stop sign is that he ran, failing to notice it stuck to his car.
  • A police detective looks at a poorly-drawn chalk outline, wondering if the murder victim was in bad shape or if the new chalk-outliner did a bad job.
  • Police officer suspects a copy-cat killing when he finds a dead feline on a copy machine with copies of the cat laying on the floor.
  • Police officer key says the fried key on the ground was last seen with a kite enthusiast named Franklin, implying Benjamin Franklin discovering electricity.
  • Sock at Missing Persons Etc. reporting mate missing, describes him as her size with stripes like her, says she last saw him in rinse cycle.
  • Two goats dead at dining table, police officer says it's probably poisoning, tells Lloyd to take boot they were eating back to lab for testing.

You searched for: police