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You searched for: car

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • An electric eel is a hybrid because he also has gas.
  • Cartoon characters with four fingers can be frustrated while driving.
  • A car repair shop uses a frog as the new air bag.
  • A new video game is too scary for a little boy.
  • Two pastry trucks are driven by stunt drivers.
  • A judge plays the video game Grand Theft Auto.
  • If you have nothing good to say, host a radio show.
  • A man makes a mistake and doesn't get a hands free cell phone.
  • A car gets a new set of tires, but in the wrong size.
  • A car mirror's vocabulary is limited to 'Ambulance'.
  • A crash test dummy meeting ends with hitting the bricks.
  • A reckless driver feels much safer with a cell phone.

You searched for: car