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You searched for: alcohol

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Instead of Miller Lite, Swiller Flite beverage makes you use the bathroom often.
  • Shirt in bar is warned by pants that sock is clingy.
  • Alice recovers from a night of binge shrinking.
  • Surgeons suggest not using confetti in the operating room for New Year's Celebration.
  • Like beer label turns blue when cold, people turn blue from smelly baby's diaper.
  • Herding breed dog herds oblivious party goers into a corner of the room.
  • Surgeon excited to see a couple beers delivered in the transplant cooler along with the kidney.
  • Saturn takes off ring while at bar to talk to women planets.
  • Man's diet fails as he eats foods that sound thin but aren't.
  • Famous cartoons in rehab for addictions.
  • Friends program ringtone to be embarrassing hemorrhoid joke.
  • Tooth and toothbrush relationship get prediction of lasting six months.

You searched for: alcohol