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You searched for: romance

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  • A moose's romantic interlude with a lawn ornament gets on the news.
  • Salmon have cybersex.
  • Two losers in an office want to get recognized as zeroes in Y2K.
  • A woman on a date with an ugly man says she refuses to be an accomplice to passing on his genes.
  • A man is excited to meet hotbuns996, but she turns out to be the Pillsbury Doughboy.
  • A fortune teller forsees a woman having a good New Year's Eve, but her crystal ball crashes at midnight.
  • A tree's date gets awkward when he breaks out in bee hives.
  • A female robot wishes they'd make more female robots so male robots would leave her alone.
  • A man sneezes so hard his beard transfers to his date's face.
  • Dogs say corny things to each other.
  • A tick hides his head in a person's skin when his wife tries to argue with him.
  • A pearl wishes she'd listened when her mom told her to marry someone cultured.

You searched for: romance