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Cat on couch watching T.V. says already saw spot on the wall but will watch it again.
Misbehaving kitty thinks man petting stomach will soon be bit unexpectedly.
Superhero kitty saves Earth from evil fireball enemy in hot sunlight sleeping cat’s dreams.
Hurt ears cows band say music needs more cow bell & less painfully loud bull horns.
Fingerprint touch ID opens owner’s Iphone, Tush I.D. ass identification unlocks dogs’ phone.
Cat audience applauds hibernating bears doing nothing for months at a time presentation.
Autocorrected St. Patrick’s Day texts change shamrock to shame rock, green beer recycling bear, chocolate pot not of gold & St. party trick card tricks saint.
Arguing dogs bark out window at night fighting with strangers in dog internet comments.
Pet owner waitstaff asks finicky cat if it is still ignoring dinner plate served at table.
Cat with sunglasses and drink relaxes in litter box lounge chair after owner cleans sandy bathroom beach.
Pet owner sleeps to peaceful white noise but wakes to orange kitty’s annoying morning meows.
Snowman tells mad snow man with dog touching bum with twig arm not on purpose.