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An asteroid hits Jerry Lee Lewis.
Humpty Dumpty dies because he tries to do his own stunts.
A Fruit of the Loom commercial goes wrong when a fruit fly supply truck crashes into the set and the fruit flies eat the actors.
An alligator eats Frank Perdue and thinks he tastes like chicken.
Flies take a vacation in someone's fruity umbrella drink.
A man has a runny nose and the woman in front of him in line is wearing a kerchief.
A man wants ice for his drink on the Titanic.
Zoo worker tells woman her husband was eaten by alligators, and she reacts with shock, but pleased because she will look good dressed in black.
Devils rambling around Earth, devil tells man they're on field trip to watch horrible things about to happen, man should just pretend they're not there.
Magician's Assistant has two small coffins as was sawed in half.