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You searched for: t-rex

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Artistic license brings man and dinosaurs together.
  • Dinosaurs go to a bar.
  • A T-rex discovers that a stegasaurus' spikes twist and pop off.
  • A mad scientist's time machine isn't Y2K compatible.
  • A caveman tries to use reverse psychology, but a dinosaur eats him.
  • A dinosaur eats the Flintstones.
  • A nearsighted cave man doesn't run away from a dinosaur because he can't tell what it is.
  • Mouse trap for dinosaur to get ride of unwanted pests.
  • Prehistoric T-Rex dinosaurs eat smaller cave man Horace hors d’oeuvres before big cavemen meal.
  • Dr. Seussic Park features the tyrannosaurus Grinch.
  • A caveman tries to pretend to be an inedible garnish so a dinosaur won't eat him.

You searched for: t-rex